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Child Maltreatment & adverse childhood experiences (aces)

Racine, N., Plamondon, A., Mcdonald, S., Tough, S., &Madigan, S.(2019). The consistency of maternal childhood abuse reporting in pregnancy and the postpartum period. Journal of Women's Health. (ahead of print). 


Racine, N., Zumwalt, K., McDonald, S., Tough, S., Madigan, S. (2019). Perinatal depression: The role of maternal adverse childhood experiences and social support. Journal of Affective Disorders. (in press). 


Racine, N., Killam, T., & Madigan, S. (2019). Trauma-Informed Care as a Universal Precaution: Beyond the Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire. JAMA Pediatrics. (online). 


Cooke, J.E., Racine, N., Plamondon, A., Tough, S., & Madigan, S. (2019). Maternal adverse childhood experiences, attachment style, and mental health: Pathways of transmission to child behavior problems. Child Abuse & Neglect, 93, 27-37. 


Madigan, S., Cyr, C., Eirich, R., Fearon, R., Ly, A., Rash, C., . . . Alink, L. (2019). Testing the cycle of maltreatment hypothesis: Meta-analytic evidence of the intergenerational transmission of child maltreatment. Development and Psychopathology, 31(1), 23-51.


Alink, L., Cyr, C., & Madigan, S. (2019). The effect of maltreatment experiences on maltreating and dysfunctional parenting: A search for mechanisms. Development and Psychopathology, 31(1), 1-7.


McDonald, S.W., Madigan, S., Racine, N., Benzies, K., Tomfohr, L., & Tough, S. (2018). Maternal adverse childhood experiences, mental health, and child behaviour at age 3: The all our families community cohort study. Preventive Medicine, 118.


Racine, N., Madigan, S., Plamondon, A., Hetherington, E., McDonald, S., & Tough, S. (2018). Maternal adverse childhood experiences and antepartum risks: the moderating role of social support. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 21.


Thomas, J. C., Magel, C., Tomfohr-Madsen, L., Madigan, S. L., Letourneau, N. L., Campbell, T. S., & Giesbrecht, G. F. (2018). Adverse childhood experiences and HPA axis function in pregnant women. Hormones and Behavior, 102, 10-22.


Racine, N., Plamondon, A., Madigan, S., McDonald, S., & Tough, S. (2018). Maternal Adverse Childhood Experiences and Infant Development. Pediatrics, 141 (4), e20172495.


Racine, N., Madigan, S., Plamondon, A., McDonald, S., Tough, S.,PhD4,5. (2018). Differential Associations of Adverse Childhood Experience on Maternal Health. American Journal of Preventative Medicine, 54(3), 368–375. 


Madigan, S.Wade, M.Plamondon, A.Maguire, J.L., & Jenkins, J.M. (2017). Maternal Adverse Childhood Experience and Infant Health: Biomedical and Psychosocial Risks as Intermediary Mechanisms.Journal of Pediatrics,187, 282-289.


Madigan, S., Wade, M., & Plamondon, A., & Jenkins, J. (2016). Neighborhood Collective Efficacy Moderates the Association between Maternal Adverse Childhood Experiences and Marital Conflict. American journal of community psychology, 57.

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