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Our research in the news

In the news: Protecting kids online

Dr. Sheri Madigan recently spoke with CBC on how to talk to kids about online sexual extortion. Read more about the topic here.

In the news: Children's screen use is higher than recommended

A recent meta-analysis by Dr. Brae Anne McArthur shows that 1 in 4 children younger than 2 years and 1 in 3 children aged 2 to 5 years are meeting screen time guidelines. Read more about the study in ABC News, CTV News, and Motherly.

In the news: Maternal depression and anxiety nearly doubled during the pandemic.

Our new study in The Lancet found that moms depression and anxiety have nearly doubled during the pandemic. Parents are struggling and need support. See this study in CTV News, The Globe and Mail, and The Conversation

Global News: Babies born during COVID-19 pandemic not being held by others. Will they be OK?

Dr. Sheri Madigan weighs in on the impacts of COVID19 on infants' social lives. Dr. Madigan advises that the most important socialization for babies happens in their own homes with the caregivers. Find the article here

Today's Parent: Will all the under-socialized babies born in 2020 be OK?

The answer is 'yes, the babies will be alright'! Dr. Madigan did an interview with Today's Parent on the importance of tuning into babies' cues and signals to enhance language and social skills during COVID-19, and gave tips for how grandparents can engage in serve-and-return interactions virtually. 

CTV News: Preschoolers overwhelmingly get more screen time than WHO recommends

The World Health Organization has issued guidelines, suggesting that preschoolers receive no more than 1 hour of screen time daily. However, a recent study from our lab found that 79% and 95% of 2 and 3 year olds, respectively, are exceeding those guidelines. Read more about the findings from the study and an interview with Dr. Madigan in this article from CTV News. 

Reuters: Childhood adversity tied to sleep problems decades later

Children who suffer adverse experiences like abuse and neglect may be more likely to have sleep problems in adulthood. Read Dr.Racine's interview with Reuters on the effects of toxic stress on sleep and the body.

Vox: Michael Jackson, R.Kelly, and the muth that all victims of abuse become abusers.

Read an article written by Dr.Madigan debunking the myth of the cycle of abuse - that all victims of abuse become abusers themselves. 

The New York Times: Teens are sexting - Now what?

Our lives these days are intertwined with our digital devices, for good or for ill. That includes adolescent romantic and sexual relationships of all kinds — happy, tragic, mutual, one-sided, healthy, abusive.

Read more about research from our lab examining adolescent sexting and recommendations for talking with your children about the topic! 

TIME: Too Much Screen Time Can Have Lasting Consequences for Young Children’s Brains

Growing data suggests that exposing young children to too much time in front of a TV or computer can have negative effects on their development. Research from our lab found that more screen time is linked to poorer progress on developmental milestones. Read more about the findings from the study and an interview with Dr.Madigan in this article from TIME magazine.

Today's Parent: Here's why screens bring out the worst in your kid

If you notice behaviour problems when your kid spends a lot of time on screens, you’re not alone. Here's why this is happening and tips on what you can do to help manage it.

The Lab

Determinants of Child Development Lab

1235 Education Tower

University of Calgary

2500 University Drive NW

Calgary, Alberta, T2N 1N4




Twitter: @sherimadigan 

Psychology Department


Department of Psychology

Administration Building, Room AD255

539 Campus Place NW

Calgary, Alberta, T2N 1N4



Phone:  (403) 220-5561


Department of Psychology, University of Calgary


Alberta Children's Hospital Research Institute (ACHRI)


The Mathison Centre for Mental Health Research & Education (Hotchkiss Brain Institute)


The Owerko Centre (ACHRI)


Addiction and Mental Health Strategic Clinical Network (AHS)

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